YO31 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO31 0 is a postcode sector in York, UK. Below is a complete list of YO31 0 Postcodes (Active). YO31 0 postcode sector comprises of 183 active postcodes. YO31 0 sector has a population of 6755, and it has 2666 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO31 0 postcode sector

YO31 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6755
Addresses / Property Count 2666
Active Postcodes 183
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of YO31 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 183 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO31 0AA 53.96701800 -1.06074500 30 74 461715 452735
YO31 0AB 53.96667600 -1.06180500 13 21 461646 452696
YO31 0AD 53.96685900 -1.06118500 18 44 461686 452717
YO31 0AE 53.96682300 -1.06232000 3 106 461612 452712
YO31 0AF 53.96414700 -1.04888400 N/A N/A 462497 452426
YO31 0GW 53.96457100 -1.04795900 N/A N/A 462557 452474
YO31 0HA 53.96456200 -1.04796000 N/A N/A 462557 452473
YO31 0HF 53.96991700 -1.04656300 6 9 462641 453070
YO31 0HG 53.96910800 -1.04647500 17 36 462648 452980
YO31 0HQ 53.96902100 -1.04582100 8 16 462691 452971
YO31 0LA 53.96783900 -1.03397300 5 11 463470 452850
YO31 0LE 53.96664500 -1.05104300 5 12 462352 452702
YO31 0LF 53.96697900 -1.04215800 13 26 462934 452747
YO31 0LG 53.96653400 -1.05174700 4 13 462306 452689
YO31 0LH 53.96595400 -1.05124200 6 20 462340 452625
YO31 0LJ 53.96503400 -1.05079000 8 21 462371 452523
YO31 0LL 53.96516500 -1.05032400 4 10 462401 452538
YO31 0LN 53.96385400 -1.04933200 27 85 462468 452393
YO31 0LP 53.96495000 -1.04926800 10 31 462471 452515
YO31 0LQ 53.96664700 -1.05133300 9 21 462333 452702
YO31 0LR 53.96583600 -1.04871400 14 38 462506 452614
YO31 0LS 53.96560500 -1.04907900 15 39 462482 452588
YO31 0LT 53.96582600 -1.04744900 33 100 462589 452614
YO31 0LU 53.96607000 -1.04989800 3 8 462428 452639
YO31 0LW 53.96482800 -1.04751100 2 9 462586 452503
YO31 0LX 53.96631500 -1.05019700 8 12 462408 452666
YO31 0LY 53.96676700 -1.05059800 28 64 462381 452716
YO31 0LZ 53.96687600 -1.04959000 24 52 462447 452729
YO31 0NA 53.96669100 -1.04660600 37 83 462643 452711
YO31 0NB 53.96637700 -1.04673500 37 95 462635 452676
YO31 0ND 53.96718500 -1.04430800 8 21 462793 452768
YO31 0NE 53.96745400 -1.04535400 10 21 462724 452797
YO31 0NF 53.96704400 -1.04585100 12 37 462692 452751
YO31 0NG 53.96793700 -1.04398600 13 29 462813 452852
YO31 0NH 53.96896700 -1.04233200 15 38 462920 452968
YO31 0NJ 53.96808700 -1.04248900 6 22 462911 452870
YO31 0NL 53.96761800 -1.04222500 24 56 462929 452818
YO31 0NN 53.96749700 -1.04176500 29 80 462959 452805
YO31 0NP 53.96643700 -1.04409100 4 10 462808 452685
YO31 0NQ 53.96869400 -1.04313100 34 75 462868 452937
YO31 0NR 53.96534800 -1.04169200 16 32 462967 452566
YO31 0NS 53.96544300 -1.04111000 18 41 463005 452577
YO31 0NT 53.96586000 -1.04381400 6 11 462827 452621
YO31 0NU 53.96428300 -1.04339300 16 26 462857 452446
YO31 0NW 53.96783800 -1.04278400 10 22 462892 452842
YO31 0NX 53.96540600 -1.04331300 11 20 462861 452571
YO31 0NY 53.96490400 -1.04232700 11 32 462926 452516
YO31 0NZ 53.96520400 -1.04274700 6 18 462898 452549
YO31 0PA 53.96450200 -1.04268700 9 19 462903 452471
YO31 0PB 53.96414400 -1.04390600 20 37 462824 452430
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